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Aberdeen Heights reports COVID-19 test results, resident death

At the end of COVID-19 testing for the week of December 21 through December 25, Aberdeen Heights reports that 10 independent living residents tested positive. In addition, one resident who previously tested positive for COVID-19 died.

“We are deeply saddened by this resident’s death. We are keeping resident’s family in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time,” said Rick Cumberland, executive director.

The community conducted two rounds of employee surveillance testing, which did not reveal any new cases among staff or contractors at the community. Surveillance testing will continue Monday, December 28. The community will continue testing employees twice a week based on the positivity rate for COVID-19 tests in St. Louis County.

The community also tested assisted living, health care and memory care residents due to previous exposures. No new positive cases were identified.

Independent living residents self-quarantine until they meet the CDC guidelines for coming out of isolation.

We have contacted the St. Louis County Health Department and will follow any direction they provide. Residents in The Glen, which includes assisted living, memory care and health care will continue to be tested weekly.

Aberdeen Heights continues to screen all employees as they enter the community building for a shift and before they have any direct contact with residents.  Employees and residents are encouraged to follow CDC guidance for preventing and containing the spread of COVID-19.

For more information about Aberdeen Heights’ response, go to PMMA’s (Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America’s) website,

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