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Debunking 3 Common Myths About Senior Living

Many misconceptions circulate about senior living communities. For starters, some believe they're only for frail seniors who are too sick or injured to live alone. While certain types of senior living, like nursing home care, do cater to this purpose, the full experience goes far beyond such a limited description.

Independent Living offers seniors so much more than age-related support. At Aberdeen Heights, we provide impressive amenities, stimulating activities and individual apartments, granting residents the same freedom and privacy they have at home. Below, we debunk three common myths to illuminate what senior living is really like.

Myth 1: Loss of Independence

Loss of independence is one of the biggest concerns older adults have about moving to senior living. This makes sense. It can be difficult leaving a home where you've spent years or decades establishing daily routines and creating cherished memories. You may not be able to move your house to a senior living community, but you can bring along your independence and daily routines.

We provide opportunities for residents to maintain their independence, regardless of care level. For example, seniors can customize their private apartments with personal items or decorations to create comforting environments that feel like home. Our social activity calendars feature a wide range of programs and events to cater to diverse interests, allowing seniors to engage in hobbies aligning with their skills and personal preferences.

Participation also isn't mandatory. If you don't see a scheduled activity that interests you, spend time exploring our community amenities instead, including the library, cafe, woodworking shop or arts and crafts room. We even offer secure areas for Memory Care residents to roam independently without being at risk.

The goal of senior living is to create an environment for successful aging, to improve quality of life and promote a low-maintenance lifestyle free from stressful or time-consuming tasks. You're also welcome to explore nearby St. Louis or local attractions, including the National Museum of Transportation and Missouri Botanical Garden.

Myth 2: No More Visits With Friends and Family

Moving to senior living doesn't mean you have to stop hosting friends and family for dinner parties or game nights. Aberdeen Heights encourages visitors and offers guest suites to accommodate overnight stays. This makes it easier for out-of-town loved ones to visit for extended trips.

Additionally, we accept reservations in our private dining room for large dinner parties or special occasions, including a birthday, anniversary or holiday. Certain community amenities are also open for guest use. Invite loved ones to join you for lunch at the on-site cafe or show them your favorite community spots.

Family participation is crucial to help residents maintain their well-being and quality of life. During the transition to senior living, many people have questions or concerns about how best to support and prepare their loved ones. Our Just Ask lifelong learning series features educational seminars, workshops and classes on various senior living topics residents and their family can attend together. These events provide additional opportunities for loved ones to visit and actively participate in a new phase of life.

Myth 3: Separation From Spouse Based on Care Needs

Aberdeen Heights is a Life Plan Community with a continuum of care, meaning we provide a full spectrum of services in one location. Upon moving to our community, you have access to the care you need when you need it. If you and your spouse require different levels of care, we can accommodate both to prevent separation.

Our services include Independent Living, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing and Memory Care. Each care type accommodates varying levels of personal care and health needs. For example, seniors in Assisted Living receive assistance with daily living tasks, including bathing and dressing, while Memory Care provides specialized services for residents with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

We also offer short-term Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Services. This allows you or your spouse to receive care on-site following an illness or injury, making it easy for the other partner to visit during recovery. Additionally, some amenities and activities overlap between care types, enabling partners to participate in shared hobbies or learn new skills together.

We understand the importance of keeping partners together during major life transitions. Moving to a new location can already be stressful enough, and we don't want to exacerbate it by separating loved ones.

Explore the Possibilities Aberdeen Heights Offers

Aberdeen Heights in Kirkwood, Missouri, enables a smooth transition to senior living to help residents adjust to their new lifestyles. By offering multiple levels of care on one campus, we ensure seniors have access to services and amenities aligning with their needs, helping them establish long-term homes accommodating every life phase.

See for yourself how we can preserve your privacy, independence and autonomy. Contact us today at 314-909-6000 to schedule an in-person visit.

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